Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Snoring Sleep Disorder

The Snoring Sleep Disorder

If you suffer from the sleep disorder
known as snoring, I have a solution that you will really like.

I want to talk to you about the snoring sleep disorder and show you what you can do about it. There are a lot of people that snore. It seems like it is a growing phenomenon. It used to be primarily a male thing, but it seems that snoring is starting to grow into the female populations as well. The real reason that people don't actually fix this problem is that they really don't know what to do about it. They just start doing it. It happens while they're asleep, so they really don't care. It's sad, but it is the truth. I'm going to talk to you about the snoring sleep disorder.
The first thing you need to know is that there is a specific physiological effect that happens when you're asleep. The main thing that happens is that your muscles tend to go loose. This causes your jaw to fall open. But when your jaw opens, your throat constricts. This is done because of the eating process. Since your throat getting thinner, air has to travel at a faster speed to get through it. This speed creates violent vibrations and we get snoring.
Basically the solution to the snoring sleep disorder is keeping your mouth closed. What you can use is a device known as a chin strap. It wraps around your chin and the back of your head , holding your jaw closed while you sleep. It takes 5 seconds to be on before bed and you won't snore. It's about the easiest solution that I have come across for snoring.

Article Tags: Snoring Sleep Disorder, Snoring Sleep, Sleep Disorder
Source: Free Articles from

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Split End Hairs

Split Ends :

Split Ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel. The hair is dry, brittle and prone to tangling and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft.

Causes of Split Ends Over perming or coloring insufficient conditioning too much brushing or back combing especially with poor quality brushes careless use of spiky rollers and hair pins excessive heat styling and not having the hair trimmed regularly, can also cause Split Ends.

Split Ends Treatment and solutions:
Split Ends cannot be mended, the only lon-term cure is to have them snipped off. What is lost in the length will be gained in quality. It may help if you reduce the frequency with which you shampoo, as this in itself is stressful to hair and causes split ends to extend up the hair shaft.

Never use a dryer too near the hair, or set it on too high a temperature. Minimize the use of heated appliances. Try conditioners and serums that are designed to seal split ends temporarily and give resistance to further splitting.
Split ends cannot be mended, just temporarily sealed. The only permanent cure is to have your hair trimmed regularly.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Eye Care

  • First thing to keep eyes healthy is to mantain it's water concentration, so it is ideal to clean eyes twice daily.

  • eye care healthWhen you wash your eyes, do not splash frequently. The best way is to wash gently -splashing may hurt the smallest of dust particles or an allergen which might minutely damage the cornea.
    Do not rub eyes frequently. It may harm your eyes. Just relax them by closing for some seconds.

  • Sitting in front of computer screen afterevery hour, close your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them.

  • Yoga experts recommend rotating the eyes often to relax muscles. Move your eyeballs from the extreme left corner to the extreme right corner, jently and slowly, say some 2-5 times. Hold a pencil at arm’s length and slowly bring it toward your nose, keeping eyes focussed on it at all times. Do this once or twice, this helps you to prevent blurred vision.

  • Make sure that the room in which you are working is well lit.A mix of tubelights, yellow light, and natural light is ideal. Adjust your monitor to a comfortable easy-to- read height. Take a break and avert your eyes from the computer screen every now and then. Look out of the window and see a long distance thing say like a tree, it will relax your eyesas well as your mind also.

  • If you want to wear lense , select them according to your choise. Choose a pair of contact lenses that are easy to use and go with your lifestyle. Some Soft lenses are easy to handle as they settle immediately on the eyes. Regardless of your choice of contact lenses, remember that it is the extended-wear lenses -those you wear overnight - that have the highest rate of complications. Get your lenses prescribed and fitted by a qualified ophthalmologist.

  • Sunglasses protect the eyes from harsh UV rays. And they delay the wrinkling process around your eyes. Wear photochromatic lenses if you find them more convenient. Eye specialists say glasses, especially glares, protect eyes from being exposed to smoke, dust, and other allergens. But, when choosing your glasses, consider comfort, cosmetic satisfaction, and weight of the frame. Consult your ophthalmologist.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Exercises For The Waist And Midriff:

Beware that the profile of your waist and midriff is being presented all the time-so do not slouch or stick your tummy out;instead straighten up with your shoulders back and your seat tucked in and stomach pulled in-this will keep your tummy muscles stretched, firm, flat and elegant.

Exercise 1:
a.Stand with feet apart, back straight and your hands clasped behind your head.
b.Twist from the waist upwards round to your right.Return to the original position and twist round to the left.
c.Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 2:
a.Rest on your hands and knees.
b.Raise your right leg to the side keeping it straight and perpendicular to the body.Make 8 forward circles and 8 backward circles with your legs.
c.Repeat 5 times with each leg.

Exercise 3:
a.With your feet apart and your arms outstretched to the side.Twisting from the waist, bend and touch your left toes with your right hand.
b.Return to straight position and repeat with left hand touching right foot.
c.Repeat 10 times.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


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