Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fiber Diet

We all know that Fiber is necessary for us, but don't know how to take them and even what is fibers actually. Here we will discuss some main things regarding Fibers. So lets start:

What is Fiber ?
You may also hear fiber referred to as bulk or roughage. You can call it whatever you want, but always remember that fiber is an essential part of everyone's diet. While fiber does fall under the category of carbohydrates, in comparison, it does not provide the same number of calories, nor is it processed the way that other sources of carbohydrates are. It is not a great thing to overeat and also not so bad to avoid roughtly.

Fibers can be clasified in two categories :
Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance. Sources of soluble fiber are oats, legumes (beans, peas, and soybeans), apples, bananas, berries, barely, some vegetables, and psylluim.
Insoluble fiber increases the movement of material through your digestive tract and increases your stool bulk. Sources of insoluble fiber are whole wheat foods, bran, nuts, seeds, and the skin of some fruits and vegetables.
Some helpful hints about fiber

1.Add the fluids: If you do not have enough fluids (preferably water) with your high-fiber diet, you may end with the problem that you are trying to avoid: constipation. Get into the habit of drinking a minimum of 2 cups of a calorie-free beverage between each meal and you will avoid any unwanted problems.

2. Don't go overboard: More is not always better, so try not to eat more fiber than your body can comfortably handle.

3.Increase slowly: The best way to begin is to figure out how much fiber you are currently eating each day. Once you know your number, you can begin to slowly increase how much you are eating until you reach your recommended amount. Increasing too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea.

4.Not in one shot: No need to get all of your fiber in one meal. Be creative, and have sources of fiber throughout the day. Here are some ways to do this:Add flaxseeds, seeds, or nuts to your salad, soup, cereal, or yogurt.Keep frozen blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries in your freezer to add to cereal, dessert, shakes, or yogurt.Beans and peas go with everything; put them in your salad, soup, or have them with your meals or snacks.Use fruit with, or in between, your meals. Set a minimum number of servings to have each day and be sure to reach it. Always go for the fruit with the skin and/or seeds for the fiber.

5. No gas: If you tend to get bloated or gassy from raw veggies and/or beans, take Beano with your meal. It will greatly reduce these side effects and make eating much more pleasurable. Be sure to check the ingredients to see if it's okay for you to take.

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