Monday, January 19, 2009

Oily Skin

Here we will discuss about Oily Skin.

Oily skin care beautyWhat is Oily Skin ?
Oily skin can be a result of heredity or hormone levels.Oily skin is characterized by shine and enlarged pores. On account of the high levels of sebum, the skin has a greasy shine and tendency to break out into acne. This is because oily skin tends to attract more dirt and dust. Generally teenagers are plagued with oily skin and acne breakouts. But sometimes-oily skin can continue way into adult years.

The flow of sebum decreases with age and the skin becomes less oily. Humidity levels can also be a cause for excess oiliness on the skin. Other causes can be cosmetics or birth control pills. Since there are more sebaceous glands around the nose, one can see that there is a tendency to develop blackheads around it. This is not same in all the parts of your skin, that's why oiliness is not same in all the parts.

Care of Oily skin:
Regular care and appropriate treatment of oily skin can go a long way in keeping it clean and blemish free. Using warm water to dissolve skin oil while washing it is a good treatment for oily skin. Washing your face with warm water and cleanser is preferable to using harsh soaps. But do not use very hot water as it can strip the skin of essential oils.Don't expect very fast results. It requires a holistic treatment of oily skin - internally and externally.

Basic care is to keep it clean so as to kill acne-causing bacteria. It is essential to unclog the pores with exfoliation to prevent breakouts. Avoid using soap again and again for cleaning your skin. Warm water cleans the oil of skin. Antibacterial cleansing lotions can also be used to keep the skin acne-free.Clay masks and mud masks work well for oily skin. They remove the excess oil that is found in the skin. Massage your face withupward and outward motions when cleansing it.Choose cosmetics and facial care products with care.But do not excessively dry the upper layer of the skin with chemical products. Use of harsh products can leave the skin feeling taut and dehydrated. This may be counterproductive since the skin will produce more oil to compensate the loss.

If you have much problem with your oily skin, discuss with a skin care Specialist before doing something by your own. Skin is a beautiful gift of God, keep it safe and clean.

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