Sunday, February 15, 2009

How we can get Health benefits from few Common things?

How we can get Health benefits from few Common things?
The simple answer to long term health is long term practice. Unfortunately as stated earlier we live in a world that runs at 100 miles per hour and we want everything now. Therefore we look for the quickest possible way to achieve our desired results.
These usually include prescription medication. If you listen to the pharmaceutical companies then you will hear that their medication works in reducing blood pressure, blood cholesterol or blood clotting and in theory they do.

What they don't tell you is that these medications only mask the underlying problems and that every drug has a side effect and a negative impact on the human body, and are you really taking control of your own health by taking a pill? There are other ways to look after your heart that are much more effective, long lasting and enjoyable.

1. Exercise
As we all know Exercise is the key to Healthy body but most of us ignore it. Even a brief amount of exercise each day will enable your metabolism to start functioning more effectively. It will reduce excess body fat, maintain blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, give strength to the heart also reduces stress.

2. Have Controlled Diet
Half of work is done by your proper diet only, it all counts what you eat and how much you eat. People think about reducing the amount of fat in their diet and to an extent this advice has been taken a bit too far. Saturated fats WILL increase the clogging of the arteries but Omega 3 oils and essential fatty acids are crucial for the body to survive a healthy existence. Take Fruits and Juices, if possible make a routine to take Fruit juice once a day.
The big change that needs to be made in the majority of diets is a reduction in the amount of refined carbohydrates. Consuming these types of foods not only causes bloating and poor digestion, they also raise blood sugar levels, which stimulates the production of insulin. One problem gives birth to other, so be aware of small things also.

3. Be Relax
We need to slow down our body's adrenal system, turn off the fight learn to relax, replenish and recharge. Simple processes such as cutting out the amount of stimulants we consume and learning to breath properly get a higher quality a quantity of sleep and take time to switch off each day. You can try some Yoga also,to make your mind calm, it will give you positive energy to work in life.

So try to do exercise daily, take controlled diet & relax yourself and get a better health for yourself for FREE.

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